Friday, August 9, 2024

What will i Learn?

What will i Learn?

West Germany, under Chancellor Konrad Adenauer and economic minister Ludwig Erhard, saw prolonged economic growth beginning in the early 1950s. Journalists dubbed it the Wirtschaftswunder or "Economic Miracle". The US underwent its own golden age of economic growth. In early 1950s, the Soviet Union, having reconstructed the ruins left by the war, experienced a decade of prosperous, undisturbed, and rapid economic growth, with significant and remarkable technological achievements most notably the first earth satellite. Another government impact assessment stated that "high immigration levels have been recognized by the Bank of Canada as net benefit for the economy, driving labor force growth, consumption and housing activity." This was when Canada intensively started to face heightened housing crisis due to unplanned affordable housing development, and looming questions like whether low-skilled workers should be integrated completely or could they be brought in seasonally like many other countries do are present. Given a boost by the Korean War, in which it acted as a major supplier to the UN force, Japan's economy embarked on a prolonged period of extremely rapid growth, led by the manufacturing sectors. This type of mixed economy specifically refers to a mixture of private and public ownership of industry and the means of production.

Net output, sometimes called netput, is a quantity, in the context of production, that is positive if the quantity is output by the production process and negative if it is an input to the production process. As you can see from the screenshot, if you enter a company’s revenue, cost of goods sold, and other operating expenses you will automatically get margins for Gross Profit, EBITDA, and Net Profit. Go round the country, go to the industrial towns, go to the farms and you will see a state of prosperity such as we have never had in my lifetime - nor indeed in the history of this country. Let us be frank about it: most of our people have never had it so good. Thus we have the identity that output equals income (where an identity is an equation that is always true regardless of the values of any variables).

When a particular quantity of output is produced, an identical quantity of income is generated because the output belongs to someone. Output can be sub-divided into components based on whose demand has generated it - total consumption C by members of the public (including on imported goods) minus imported goods M (the difference being consumption of domestic output), spending G by the government, domestically produced goods X bought by foreigners, planned inventory accumulation Iplanned inven, unplanned inventory accumulation Iunplanned inven resulting from incorrect predictions of consumer and government demand, and fixed investment If on machinery and the like. If the value of the trades being made by both the countries is equal at that point of time, then their trade accounts would be balanced: the exports would be exactly equal to imports in both the countries. For example, Japan may trade its electronics with Germany for German-made cars. In the late twenties, the French trade surplus led to the importation of gold that they did not allow to expand the money supply.

The extended period of transformation and modernization also involved an increasing internationalization of the French economy. Iran has sought to diversify its economy as well, seeing the EAEU and China as key economic partners. Unlike economic profit, economic rent cannot be theoretically eliminated by competition because any actions the recipient of the income may take such as improving the object to be rented will then change the total income to contract rent. During the 1970s steel crisis, demand for steel declined, and the Western world faced competition from newly industrialized countries. Japan emerged as a significant power in many economic spheres, including steel working, car manufacturing and the manufacturing of electronics. This was especially harsh for mining and steel districts such as the North American Rust Belt and the West German Ruhr area. West Germany gained legitimacy and respect, as it shed the horrible reputation Germany had gained under the Nazis.

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