Monday, August 12, 2024

Why are so few Women in Finance?

Why are so few Women in Finance?

In contrast, the NBER defines a recession as "a significant decline in economic activity spread across the economy, lasting more than a few months, normally visible in real GDP, real income, employment, industrial production, and wholesale-retail sales".

Routine recessions can cause the GDP to decline 2%, while severe ones might set an economy back 5%, according to the IMF. In fact, slavery’s expansion shaped every crucial aspect of the economy and politics of the new nation-not only increasing its power and size, but also, eventually, dividing US politics, differentiating regional identities and interests, and helping to make civil war possible. In historians’ tellings, the 1808 abolition of the Atlantic trade brought stability to slavery, ringing in the “Old South,” as it has been called since before the Civil War. Historians depicted slave trading after 1808 as irrelevant to what slavery was in the “Old South,” and to how America as a whole was shaped. For more than a century, white people in the United States had been singling out slave traders as an exception: unscrupulous lower-class outsiders who pried apart paternalist bonds.

Economists are traditionally skeptical of very high minimum wages not because they don’t want poor people to be paid more, but because they think it’s better for the costs of wage increases to be born by the entire tax base instead of small business owners. While the software is easy to use, the fact that it's suitable for small business accounting is thanks to the inclusion of a number of extra features that you would not necessarily expect to find - support for payroll management and double-entry accounting, for instance. Individuals and/or corporate entities can find it attractive to move themselves to areas with reduced taxation. In this view, public sector programs should be designed to maximize social benefits minus costs (cost-benefit analysis), and then revenues needed to pay for those expenditures should be raised through a taxation system that creates the fewest efficiency losses caused by distortion of economic activity as possible. According to BLS data, the median pay in 2022 was $95,920.

Notes: Table displays median wealth by age group and by race and ethnicity in thousands of 2019 dollars. For instance, the table constructed below demonstrates that from 1570-75 through 1591-1606, the price of unskilled labor in the Valley of Mexico nearly tripled while the price of land in the Valley (Coyoacán) fell by nearly two thirds. He took two of my aunts and left their husbands up here, and he separated altogether seven husbands and wives. All this is the “symbolic annihilation” of enslaved people, as two scholars of those weird places put it.2 Meanwhile, at other points we tell slavery’s story by heaping praise on those who escaped it through flight or death in rebellion, leaving the listener to wonder if those who didn’t flee or die somehow “accepted” slavery. Entrepreneurial enslavers moved more than 1 million enslaved people, by force, from the communities that survivors of the slave trade from Africa had built in the South and in the West to vast territories that were seized-also by force-from their Native American inhabitants.

I’ve seen droves of Negroes brought in here on foot going South to be sold. Did Ivy know if any slaves had been sold here? ” “What did slaves call master or mistress? “They sold slaves here and everywhere. That’s why we’re here. Their practices rapidly transformed the southern states into the dominant force in the global cotton market, and cotton was the world’s most widely traded commodity at the time, as it was the key raw material during the first century of the industrial revolution. For the other half is the story of how slavery changed and moved and grew over time: Lorenzo Ivy’s time, and that of his parents and grandparents. Slavery’s story gets told in ways that reinforce all these assumptions. Ideas about slavery’s history determine the ways in which Americans hope to resolve the long contradiction between the claims of the United States to be a nation of freedom and opportunity, on the one hand, and, on the other, the unfreedom, the unequal treatment, and the opportunity denied that for most of American history have been the reality faced by people of African descent. Millions of people each year visit plantation homes where guides blather on about furniture and silverware.

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